dilluns, 9 de novembre del 2009

En plena Tardor

Aquest cap de setmana he aprofitat, per començar a practicar amb la càmara de fotos...no ha estat difícil trobar models ni bodegons.
El meu amic Giuseppe, m'havia regalat aquestes caixes, recuperades d'algun antic taller, i van ser el marc perfecte pels fruits de tardor, que vaig anar recollint sense sortir del pati.
La Rita, em va seguir a tot arreu per veure si caçava alguna castanya (li tornen boja), però quan va arribar el moment de sortir a la foto...es va fer la vergonyosa.
This weekend I've been taking some pics. It has been easy to find motives for doing these autumn scenes. A friend of mine gave me these old boxes from a former workshop and they were perfect to show the autumn fruits that I gathered from my garden. Rita, followed me all the time, during my work, very happy (She was expecting to eat chestnuts, wich she adores) but when came the moment to go out in the photo she suddently became shy.

2 comentaris:

  1. JO MATEIXA: I tímida! Mira aquí quin posat, de no haver trencat mai un plat...és una comedianta, però molt guapa, això sí! ;-P


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