divendres, 13 de novembre del 2009

Roddy and Ginger

Un altre gran descobriment al Etsy. A Roddy and Ginger podreu trobar aquests dissenys i d'altres igual de interessants. Em va cridar l'atenció, no només la particular estética de les il.lustracions sinó la paraula Fleca que figura en la serigrafia del coixí, o els sardanistes del poster de baix...vaig descobrir aleshores, que la seva creadora és una londinenca que estiueja prop de Verges, a la província de Girona. M'agrada molt el seu estil, us convido a veure més clicant aquí. Imatges de Roddy and Ginger.

Another Etsy treasure. In Roddy and Ginger, you will find great prints such these and much more. What catched my atention, besides the beautiful aesthetic of her designs, was a little detail: The word "Fleca" (the word for Bakery in catalan) printed in the cushion of the first picture, and the row of "sardanistes" (the dancers of a typical dance in Catalonia) from the poster showed below. Then I discovered that, this works belongs to a London creative that spends many summers in Girona (Spain). I am charmed with her prints and I invite you to know more about her works here. Images from Roddy and Ginger.

1 comentari:

  1. hola...i'm so glad you like my print! thank-you for featuring it on your lovely blog. It brings happy memories of my favourite catalan village.


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