dimecres, 9 de desembre del 2009

Pessebre (Nativity)


Quan arriba el Nadal, tinc l'excusa perfecte per treure de les seves capces una pila de figures que al llarg d'aquests anys he anat col.leccionant.
El Pessebre, els Àngels, el Calendari d'Advent i un munt d'objectes que viuen en la foscor la resta del any.
Aquest Pessebre, el vaig comprar fa uns anys en una botiga preciosa de Barcelona, que es deia La Sardina Submarina, i que per desgràcia ja va plegar.
Aquell sí que era un racó plè de Tresors on m'hi podia passar llargues estones mirant les miniatures de fusta tan bellament treballades, com els Àngels i altres objectes encantats que esparaven darrera el vidre del aparador.
Figura a figura vaig anar reunint aquest Cor Cel.lestial, que encara no he acabat de completar. Per la Candelera, tornen cada any obedients a les seves capces a esperar el proper Nadal.


When Christmas Time arrives, I get the perfect excuse to take my figurine collection out of their boxes : The Nativity Scene, the Angels, the Advent Calendar...and all the objects that live in the darkness for the rest of the year.
I bought this Nativity Scene,a few years ago in a small charming shop in the historic centre of Barcelona named "The submarine Sardine", that sadly, is no longer open. That was a magic place where I could spend the whole day long, discovering wood figures lovely worked like this small Angels and other enchanted objects waiting behind its showcase.
One by one I collected this Celestial Chorus, that is still incomplete, and that I keep it like a real treasure. The second of February (when in Spain is the traditional day to put away the Christmas Ornaments), they come back obedient to their respective boxes.
The man with the red bonnet is a common figure in Catalonia that is always present in any Nativity Scene (I'm not joking). Usually hidden behind a tree, this countryman is really doing what it seems (don't need to explain), and puts the contrast accent into this mystical scene.

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